"Global Strides to Local Steps" by Mia Coutinho Image
Artist Name:  Mia Coutinho
Sponsored by:  Bill's Downtown Pizzeria and Bar

As a proud Hopkinton native, I've witnessed the anticipation build long before the starting gun fires. This piece celebrates the race's geographic diversity, honoring the great efforts runners worldwide take to arrive at the Start Line. Featuring vignettes of nations around the globe, the piece also shows a path winding through these many places, symbolizing the universality of the human spirit. It is at the Start Line in Hopkinton where dreams from distant lands culminate and come to life.

Artist Mia Coutinho, a two-time Boston Marathoner, pursues a Neuroscience Ph.D. at Georgetown University, studying language in the brain. Inspired by events like Kenya Day in Hopkinton, she's passionate about cultural ambassadorship and intercultural appreciation

"Global Strides to Local Steps" by Mia Coutinho

Item #19

$320 - 12 bids

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